Rabu, 27 Juli 2016

How to Become a Successful Young Entrepreneur

             Get ready to become a successful young entrepreneur! Becoming an entrepreneur is a great way to live your dream and vision of having your company, own time structure, and building something that is YOURS.

  1.  Stay energetic. Starting a new business requires hours of dedication and sacrifice. You have to believe and be excited about your product as if you not who will someone else be? Your energy will transfer to everyone you meet and speak to about your business, and this will lead to growth.
  2. Be impatient. Many people say stay patient and good things will happen. The people who say that are the people who have yet to achieve what they want. The more impatient you stay the quicker your business will grow and succeed.
  3. Take risks. The most successful entrepreneurs like Branson and Trump didn’t get to where they are by playing it safe. As an entrepreneur, you need to take calculated risks to move your business forward.
  4. Surround yourself with success. Whom you surround yourself with is who you become. Drop the deadweight of people holding you back and seek a new circle of influence. Being around these people will let you grow, learn, and see what it takes to be successful.Your Network is your Net worth
  5. Partner with experience. You may be young, energetic, and bold, but you also need experience to guide you through the journey of being an entrepreneur and running a business. Seek out knowledgeable council from friends, associates, and successful business persons and get them to buy into your vision so you can both move forward together
  6. Become an expert at marketing. You might have the greatest product or service in the world but if nobody knows about you will never succeed. When you master the ability to market your product, company, and brand – you will have customers and partners flooding in to join you.  
  7. Listen twice, see twice, and speak once. As a young entrepreneur, it is more valuable to listen to what others have to say first, and when you have something to say make it memorable so people will always remember who you are. 

    source: http://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Successful-Young-Entrepreneur

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